What to Expect After a Denver Deep Ashiatsu Massage

So you had your first (or second, or third) treatment at Denver Deep.

It can take time to adjust to the changes that your body has just endured while under our feet. You might be feeling a little “massage drunk,” but no worries, it’s all science.

Let us explain:
We just got specific in your soft tissues, manipulated your muscles, and extended you corrective treatment. Your spine was elongated, your joints were decompressed, and we loosened sticky, adhered connective tissue.

The chit-chat between your brain, nervous system, muscles, and fascia is lit-up in communication. This new level of self-talk within your body has enhanced what you feel and notice internally (kinesthetic awareness), and where you feel in the space around you (proprioception).
Heeled? Definitely (our heels are pretty healing).

Healed? Kind of.  
Just like your fitness goals, brushing your teeth, or getting your haircut, committing to your self-care and progress is not a one-and-done effort.
 We have five tips to help you maintain the benefits of your session longer.

1) Self-assessment.

After receiving your bodywork session, check-in with yourself. How do you feel now? Were the areas of your concern feeling better? Continue to self-assess how your body feels in your daily activities. Notice how you feel in the moment, and compare the result to how you felt before you had your treatment.  

2) Experiment with heat.

Rice packs or heating pads feel amazing on your areas of concern – especially when it decides to snow in Colorado.

3) Drink-up.

Immediately following your Denver Deep Ashiatsu massage, you will be given cold Coconut Water to help replace electrolytes and assist in your re-hydration. Throughout the remainder of your massage day, continue to drink water to thirst.  

4) Recover harder than you train.

Your body needs time for recovery. We suggest not doing a strenuous workout within 24 hours of your treatment. And, if you do have a challenging training session planned for the next day, we will encourage you to either make it a lighter workout or train a different area of your body.

5) Daily Movement.

Committing to a daily movement routine – created from a few stretches and light mobility work, you will complement the deep treatment that our therapists have done within your body and for your mind.
 Moving with intention and staying consistent are the keys to creating lasting changes. In just 5-10 minutes a day, you can help your body to stay pain-free and moving with ease.



While you won’t be able to re-create the depth, correction, and sensations that our therapists’ feet offer, using self-myofascial release balls and/or a foam roller will empower you to care for your body’s pain patterns.

The takeaway.

Eradicating pain takes time, and it is a journey. While a Denver Deep session will extend immediate relief and offer lasting success, having routine, scheduled maintenance plan will prove realistic success.  

Justin Sutton