The Secret to Staying Healthy at Home

The world feels different, doesn’t it?

We get it.
We feel it, too.

That's why you need to double down on activities that promote your physical and mental health.

With that in mind, we want to share with you our

Top 6 Ways For Staying Healthy at Home.

1. Plan your schedule.

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and what we have found is that if we plan for the level of health that we desire for ourselves, then it is easy to create a schedule for our wellness.

2. Daily productivity check-ins.

During times of uncertainty, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, disorganized, and unproductive. Ways to mitigate these feelings is to take account for what are the triggers that are causing you to feel that way.

Questions you can ask yourself:

·       What environment do I work best in and how can I replicate that?

·       What sucks up my time?

·       What are my biggest distractions and how can I eliminate them?

·       When are my energy and focus levels at their highest? What tasks can I schedule during this time?

·       How can I delegate? What non-essential tasks can come off my to-do list?

When you take account of and discover the source of the trigger, it is then easy to apply a solution to eradicate that feeling.

3. Plan your nutrition.

Just as if you were to schedule a lunch date with a friend or plan for a meeting over coffee, create planned mealtimes for yourself.

Rather than having stress over if you are making poor nutrition choices or mindless snacking, when you stick to a schedule, you can plan nutritious meals and lessen the opportunities to fall down the snacking-rabbit-hole.

4. Create mindful moments and schedule them in.

Every human is different; therefore, how one person chooses to create mindfulness in his or her life is going to vary heavily from another’s. While one, 20 minute, seated and silent meditation might be a productive habit for a person, someone else might feel stressed over having to sit still for so long.

If you determine what works for you, you will then be able to create a plan that you can thrive from.

This is an easy place to begin:

Start with two minutes. Before even getting out of your bed in the morning (yes, you can stay laying down), close your eyes and think of one word that holds an intention of what you desire to bring into the day.

Here is a list to get you going:

·       Motivation

·       Gratitude

·       Joy

·       Energy

·       Thoughtfulness

·       Kindness

·       Awareness

But if that doesn’t work for you, create three notifications on your device that tell you to “slow down,” “take three deep breaths,” or “think of someone you are grateful for,” etc.

You can set them to notify at any point throughout the day, but over time, doing this consistently will offer mini-moments of mindfulness to help you re-center and re-focus.

Mental stress can pile up quickly if it is not given the opportunity to be flushed out. A few mindful moments throughout the day can offer you the break that your mental wellness is craving.  

5. Make exercise and movement appointments.

Movement is medicine.

And this particular panacea has never been truer than during this outbreak. Similar to a typical day at the office, it is easy to get sucked into your work and forget to take a break from the computer screen. This combined with the lack of access to your gym, exercise facilities, and parks, it has never been easier to slip into stagnation.

An easy habit to get you started is to plan to participate in moderate movement during your lunch break. This will not only provide all of the standard benefits of regular exercise, but it will also invigorate you for the rest of the workday.

6. Schedule your sleep.

Yes, it is even important to create a schedule for your sleep.

Adequate rest is imperative to your health, even if you have a laxer routine throughout your day. Poor sleep can contribute to countless negative effects, including weight gain, difficulty concentrating, and mental conditions such as depression and anxiety.

By creating a schedule, you can limit the mindless social media or news headline scrolling, and set yourself up for a night of sleeping success.

The most important element of all of the factors listed is having a routine. By maintaining a routine in all areas of your life, even during this unprecedented time, you’ll maintain your wellness and be ready for when life returns to normal.



Patricia Blake